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The Gods of Greek Mythology

greek mythology characters

If you have ever been curious about the origins and evolution of Greek mythology you are likely to be familiar with certain gods like Artemis, Ares Dionysos (Hephaestus), Zeus, Hades, and Ares. Here's a quick primer on these characters:


Artemis, a Greek goddess and one of the twelve major Olympian Deities is Artemis. She is the goddess associated with hunting, wild animals and the moon. She is also associated with fertility, childbirth, and virginity. Zeus was the goddess's daughter. Leto was her father. She was also one major Virgin Goddess.


Ares is one the Greek gods of war. He was considered an ancestor of the Romans, as was Mars. His tall, plumed helmet was associated with shields, breastplates and weapons. His imagery has been used in many artworks, from classical to contemporary.

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Dionysos, the god of wine, is an important figure in Greek mythology. Dionysus, an ancient Greek mythological figure, rode a panther. He also rode a chariot pulled by two panthers. He was also associated the five sacred plants grapevine and ivy as well as bindweed and the pine tree. His devotees carried pine cone wreaths and ivy wreaths.


Hephaestus is one of the most prominent Greek gods associated with arts and crafts. Hephaestus, the god of fire, was also known for his craft workshop which was located beneath a volcano. Hephaestus, although not as physically fit as the Olympian gods was, was well-known for his ability to use a forge and other tools.


Hermes, one the Greek mythological gods was a trickster who patronized thieves and merchants. He was able to move freely between Olympus' worlds and among mortals. He was also associated with Olympus' underworld. He was also patron of roads and travellers.


Athena was born to Zeus as a daughter and is also the goddess of crafting. She is also the protector of the king. Athena was an original serpent-like goddess who lived along the Aegean coast. Athena was also known as the goddess of the city of Athens. Zeus' favorite child, Athena is known as the embodiment of wisdom and reason.

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Persephone, god of Greek myth, is the goddess of love, spring, and death. She was the daughter of Zeus and Demeter, and she was often associated with scepters, torches, poppies, and the rooster. Because she made death look kinder, her story also has allegorical resonance. She supported grieving heroes and lovers throughout her lifetime. She even granted Orpheus his beloved Eurydice and helped Psyche in her quest to earn back her beloved Eros.


Hercules, a Greek mythology figure, is a hero of many stories. He saved the princess Troy from a dangerous sea monster while he was alive. He helped Zeus defeat the Giants in Olympus' battle for control. His second labor was killing the Lernaean Hydra. Hera had originally raised it to help Hercules. Hercules covered Hercules' mouth and nose to stop poisonous fumes causing harm. He then fired flaming arrows into the Hydra's lair at the spring of Amymone, which was a deep cave.


The Gods of Greek Mythology